Welcome to Solutionz Academy!

Where Solutionz empowers Continuous Improvement

About Solution Academy

Solutionz Academy Charter:

Ø  Solutionz Academy provides a training curriculum, relevant to your current positional role, designed to best position you for success when working with products from manufacturers most often used on projects. 

Ø  Additionally, Solutionz Academy can provide suggested training opportunities to advance your knowledge base, relevant to your current positional role and positions with greater responsibility.

Ø  Solutionz Academy can provide a training and learning pathway for team members that would like to lateral to a different position within the company. 

Ø  Solutionz Academy will provide training for all team members designed to broaden individual professional development, not necessarily connected to positional responsibilities.


Notes about Solutionz Academy:

Ø  Unless otherwise noted, trainings do not always need to be followed in a particular order unless directed by specific manufacturers’ prerequisite/requirements for their specific curriculum. 

Ø  It is highly recommended that Solutionz team members coordinate their learning objectives with their individual supervisors.   

Ø  In harmony with our Solutionz’ third pillar, “Continuous Improvement,” Solutionz is committed to developing our Solutionz Academy to include training curriculum for every Solutionz position.  As time progresses, more training courses will be added to each positional role.  

Solutionz Four Pillars

When Solutionz was founded in 2001, the company’s strategy was formed around the idea that the team should be focused on a common set of principles that will sustain it through any adversity.  Knowing that the market will fluctuate, these Four Pillars create a backbone of stability and ensures that we are the best positioned company to be number one in our industry regardless of the climate.



Every Solutionz employee should understand that being the best requires hard work. Regardless of market climate, there is always business to be won and projects to be completed. Every function within Solutionz is instrumental in this process of winning and keeping customers. It requires effort on every level to ensure the best possible customer service and every employee should be laser-focused on making the most of every hour. Remember, “working smarter” is reserved for those who already work hard!


Solutionz is only as good as the morale of the team and, together, we are responsible for making our jobs something we want to do and not something we have to do. Leadership is committed to providing fair and competitive compensation and benefits as well as providing transparency in policymaking. It is leadership’s job to ensure all employees have the ability to provide feedback without fear of retaliation and to help boost employee morale when possible. All employees should believe in the overall goal to be number one in the industry. They should contribute for the good of the company and colleagues with a positive outlook and seek advice and assistance from management if they feel that their morale is being compromised.


The Solutionz team realizes that even the best performers have the ability to improve and we constantly strive to be best versions of ourselves every day. We all must strive to identify and acknowledge areas of improvement and to adjust our methods to be better, as employees, with customers, as leaders and as team members. We must never stop learning and improving.


During our time as Solutionz team members, every second of every day will impact our bottom line. We must always look for ways to be mindful of the health of the business and, in turn, expect that the company will be mindful of our personal bottom lines.  Solutionz is only as good as the individuals that make up the team and we have a synergistic relationship. The individuals cannot enjoy personal success without the company and the company cannot thrive without the successes created by the team members. Unlike a family (who must accept all members, good or bad), we are a team and can only be the best if everyone is working hard and contributing to the bottom line. In turn, you should expect leadership to recognize the importance of your personal bottom line and invest in it as the company succeeds.


Do you have questions or need support? Please email: academy@solutionzinc.com. Someone will connect with you as soon as possible.